Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Before Those Ghosts

I went back To Paris to shoot another little film with Fanny to another one of my songs from this record. I am still going to make a much more involved video from the footage I shot with her but I decided to edit together a little something in the meantime.


shane mahoney said...

Very, very cool song. I'm stoked to hear the finished product, and to see the finished video!

Well done, Mike.

Unknown said...

Great work man. I like the look of the video, even unfinished. Funny enough, it's how I visualize one of your shoots: very fluid and visual.

Clyne said...

The light at 1'45 is really beautiful ! :)

Like the song, like Fanny in the wood (finally ! :P), great work !

Unknown said...

Love it. Music + picture complement each other very nicely. Whenever there was a hand held (not still) shot, I thought it lost something. The still camera makes her stand out in some way... I vote for still shots only ; )

Anonymous said...

that was absolutely beautiful. I really love the song. i mean REALLY. ur music is going in an amazing direction. hurry up and release ur album i might spontaneously combust if i dont get that song.

eduardo said...

Such a beautiful collaboration. Wonderful stuff.

ps. Just a heads up, the link from this blog to your page is broken.

Drew said...

Nice job Mike

Anonymous said...

It's so awesome!!! Her dancing is the perfect cpmlement to your music - or the other way round.
By the way, I also vote for the still shots.

Unknown said...

Not only is the song amazing, but the environment and her, and the way she moves is definitely the icing on the cake!

etoilee8 said...

Her dancing to the music reminds me why I love dancing (and music).

Paris said...

y is this video private now?